This is a special post in response to a comment under the post – Video: Christopher Hitchens on his book – God is Not Great. The original comment is below, exactly how it was written:
“Since you are a believer in REASON, then you know absolutely NOTHING about a believer in FAITH. Therefore, since you are totally ignorant concerning Faith how is it possible that a person with simple COMMON SENSE would trust anything you have to say? Furthermore, since you’ve never met God and do not have a RELATIONSHIP with him then what you may say about him is a complete FABRICATION!I for one could not convince you OTHERWISE, for A MAN CONVINCED AGAINST HIS WILL IS OF THE SAME OPINION STILL! As for me my faith is my STRONGHOLD and my FOUNDATION and as I have learned over the years by TRIAL AND ERROR, just because you do not believe in GOD, it won’t change a thing and your soul’s DESTINATION will remain the same. By the way, the world is full of all kinds of RELIGION, and GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION either!”
– Sandie
Hello Sandie,
You’re obviously passionate about your faith. You’re capitalisation of particular words gives this away (IT’S LIKE SHOUTING!). Let’s relax it a little and have a reasonable discussion, if we can…
So, let us begin. A ‘believer in reason’ is an odd statement. It’s a bit like saying ‘a believer in thinking clearly’. Perhaps you meant someone who believes that reason is necessary for truth. You then say ‘a believer in faith’ which I take it to mean someone who believes that faith is necessary for truth. This is how I’ve interpreted what you have written. In fact, it took me a couple of reads to understand what you wrote – it’s not very clear and comes across as a rant rather than anything thoughtful.
You seem to divide people into two camps – those who apply reason and those who follow faith. You accuse me (I think you mean me, unless you’re accusing Christopher Hitchens) of being ‘totally ignorant’ concerning faith. It does not follow that someone who applies the principles of reason cannot know anything about someone who has faith. The position of someone with faith is simple to understand – these people have a belief in something without supporting evidence, or in the face of contradictory evidence. Faith is to believe without a valid reason, or to believe in the face of reason. However, I’m guessing that you believe faith is a gift from God, and by this, you think that those who do not believe in God cannot have the ‘gift of faith’.
Your rhetorical question – ‘how could anyone with simple common sense trust what I, or anyone else who applies the methodology of reason, might say? (paraphrased)’ strikes me as bizarre. Further, it seems to me that the position you are taking is purely fideistic. Fideism meaning that the reliance on reason will not achieve knowledge about the divine or God – only the reliance on faith could achieve this. I also suppose that you think reason is limited as it relies purely on evidence – a position known as evidentialism. It seems apparent to me that you believe faith to be the only path to ‘true’ knowledge, which is a position supported by Christian theology, if not all theology.
You then ask why would anyone with ‘simple common sense’ – meaning good judgement – trust the voice of reason. By this, you are implying that people should only trust those who profess faith. Again, this is a very odd thing to say, and with this there are many problems. For example, how do you know that the beliefs you hold are the correct set of beliefs to have? Is it by your own standards or a standard set by some source of authority? If it is the former, then the problem here is that your own prejudice is unavoidable – you only seek to trust those who confirm your own beliefs. If it’s the latter, then for all you know, you may be being misled by the prejudice of others. If it’s none of these, then perhaps you have settled on a set of beliefs that gives you the most comfort, but this is no reason for supposing the matter to be ‘true’.
Anyway, what have you got against reason? Is it because reason challenges your faith? It very probably is. Trusting people – trusting their testimony, and trusting authority – this does require faith, but why rely on just the word of what someone or some book says? You should evaluate what it is being said to you, and for this, you need to be able to reason – that is, you need to be able to think clearly. You need to be able to identify prejudice, be able to spot faulty claims and to know when someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
If you are closed to reasoning, closed to thinking clearly about what you know and what people say to you, then you are dogmatic. You think that what you know is simply just right and everyone else who doesn’t share your view is wrong. Think about it – how do you know you are right and how do you know the people you trust are right? Faith alone, I’m afraid, is not the answer.
You then say that you ‘learned over the years by trial and error’ – just think about what you are doing here. If you reason – think clearly before you make decisions, then you will probably make fewer errors and there will be less need for trial runs. If you are going to cross a busy road, you stop before you cross and evaluate the situation– this is akin to reasoning. If, however, you rely on trial and error to cross the road, and rely blindly on your faith to get you to the other side, then you’re very unlikely to make it across. This is the same with anything that requires you to make important decisions. You don’t just go for it and hope for the best, you have to think about what you are doing and act on your best judgement. The problem here is that you need to know how to weigh up the propositions and the possible consequences before you act. This is part of what reasoning is about.
Then you say ‘no one can convince you otherwise’. Again, I don’t think you understand what it is to reason. I am open to changing my mind if the argument and/or evidence put before me is convincing. Those with faith, however, take it to be that the position they hold is the right way and any other opinion is wrong. But what makes one person with faith correct over someone else with faith in an opposing position? Nothing, is the answer, because all a person with faith does is to take what it is they hold to be true as true.
Next, you say something about not believing in God so my soul’s ‘destination will remain the same’. You assume that I think I have a soul – but it depends on what you mean by ‘soul’. I interpret soul to mean mind, or consciousness. I don’t accept that the ‘soul’ is some kind of spirit that exists beyond the natural world. And when I die, my mind, or my soul, will die with me. So, what you are saying here has no impact on my position.
Then you say ‘the world is full of all kinds of religion’. Well, at least you’re right on something! I can’t argue with that, though I do know it’s very difficult to define what a religion is, but that’s another matter.
Finally, you say ‘God is not the author of confusion either’. Hmm, on one level I would agree – a non-existent entity could not create confusion. However, on another level, the many claimed attributes of what a God would have could cause confusion as there doesn’t seem to be a universal agreement of what these should be. In fact, if God is supposed to be infinite in every way then to apply attributes to God would be to limit his (sex being one of them) nature and therefore he could not be infinite. If, however, we were to allow God, for the sake of argument, then there are many more problems to deal with such as his desires, what the claimed prophets have said, claims made in holy texts and so on. So, I won’t go into all of this, as hopefully by now there’s plenty to for you to mull over already.
Actually,I was not trying to convince you that there was a God,as you’ll find that out on your own in due time.He doesn’t need me to defend the fact that he exists.You think of yourself as highly educated on what you do believe,which only proves your arrogance and your ignorance.(no offense meant)It takes faith for you to live everyday of your life.You believe without reason when you flip a switch you expect the light will come on because you’ve come to believe and trust that it will happen as a fact.You trust that someone loves you because they say they do and you in return exercise faith that what they say is real and something you can truly depend on..just because there happens to be a feeling(love) on the inside of you that verifys the situation.Altho you reason away much in your daily life,still you have no idea or any care to change a negative pattern that could possibly show itself and ruin everything you’ve ever believed in.This is the wide complex difference between you and I.For I know prayer will change segments of my life that need improvement.Why,you may ask would I say that?Because I have witnessed these changes and improvements first hand,and I know who receives the credit for it.God is a God of mercy and if you ever in your life,now or the future,just ask him and you’ll find out if hes real.
You are using faith as in religious faith but also as trust and confidence. This is the fallacy of equivocation and if you believe you are an honest christian you would not use, or will not – now you know this. To analyse your comments:
“It takes faith for you to live everyday of your life.”
No it does not. Just because it does for you, does not mean it does for everyone else. You need to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and then you will see this.
“You believe without reason when you flip a switch you expect the light will come on because you’ve come to believe and trust that it will happen as a fact.”
This is not without reason. When the light does not go on you use reason to figure out why – is the bulb gone, is there a power cut and so on.
“You trust that someone loves you because they say they do and you in return exercise faith that what they say is real and something you can truly depend on..”
No, not faith, confidence.
“Altho you reason away much in your daily life,still you have no idea or any care to change a negative pattern that could possibly show itself and ruin everything you’ve ever believed in.
Cant speak for the blog host here but nothing I have read indicates this. I think your faith is a negative pattern, are you willing to see if this is the case and if so change?
“This is the wide complex difference between you and I.”
Yes between being open minded and closed minded (you).
“For I know prayer will change segments of my life that need improvement.”
How do you know? When this has been tested there are no significant positive results.
“Why,you may ask would I say that?”
Because you have unquestionable faith?
“Because I have witnessed these changes and improvements first hand,and I know who receives the credit for it.”
Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. You need to transcend you self-centred bias to see what is really happening.
“God is a God of mercy and if you ever in your life,now or the future,just ask him and you’ll find out if hes real.”
Hence all the discrimination, bigotry, fear mongering done in his name…
You are blind in one eye and cannot see out of the other words you cannot see the forest for the trees!I am convinced that God himself could not change your mind or your heart,yet I am not your final judge.What I see in you is total and complete self centeredness!Therefore convincing me that you are indeed your own God!I would like to leave a website that you can visit or check out for yourself.Its won’t find anything dumb or shortsighted from these men,and you may be able to identify with them,seeing as you probably believe that if you’re a female you probably don’t know much anyway.
Hello Reason42 & Sandie
It is a great pity that niether of you seem to appreciate that faith is not blind belief. All faith is based on reason. Faith is indeed trust which yes is based on confidence. I trust someone who does not lie and has not let me down – and sorry but that is in fact faith.
Reason42 says ‘..The position of someone with faith is simple to understand – these people have a belief in something without supporting evidence’ and ‘Faith is to believe without a valid reason, or to believe in the face of reason’ – sorry chum but that just simply is not true – the supporting evidence based on personal relationship is there – and provides both reason and confidence for the believer to continue to trust and obey!
Reason 42 says,’it seems to me that the position you are taking is purely fideistic.’ Surely it stands to reason that if anyone wants to get to know God (who is not prescibed by the material world) they would have to rely on trust, comitment and consequential evidence – they can logically be no alternative. I find it incredible that you might be suggesting that it should be possible by pure reason alone be able to get to know a personality not prescibed by the universe – that would surely be nonsence. Equally you could not expect to get to know such a personality by simple trust alone with out any evidence – that would also not be sensible!
Dear Reason42 where do you get the idea from that ‘faith = the only path to ‘true’ knowledge’ and IS ‘a position supported by Christian theology, if not all theology.’ Have you not read of the 16th & 17th century philosopher theologians who argued strongly that for theological reasons, science should limit itself to theory and evidence based on the natural cosmos and not bring God into their scientific reasoning. It was only later that the modern atheistic beliefs were sporned.
These theologians clearly did not believe that faith was the only means of finding true knowledge – quite the reverse! equally it was not their intention to sporn atheism either!
Excuse me,but who said anything about BLIND BELIEF? As for the rest of your comments my only answer is HUH???????????
Hello Mike,
You said:
[…] the supporting evidence based on [a] personal relationship is there – and provides both reason and confidence for the believer to continue to trust and obey!
What supporting evidence? Bring it forward and let’s take a good look at it. (In fact, I’m sure I challanged you to this before… I’m still waiting!)
You then said:
[…] they would have to rely on trust, comitment and consequential evidence – they can logically be no alternative.
Rely on trust, commitment and the consequential evidence is the same as having faith, so you have proved my point! Thanks.
Next you said:
I find it incredible that you might be suggesting that it should be possible by pure reason alone be able to get to know a personality not prescribed by the universe – that would surely be nonsense.
So you agree then that there could not be a rational argument for something beyond the natural realm? I myself do not know of any rational argument that works, which proves a priori or a posteriori that there is a supernatural realm, or that there is a God without basing the whole argument on a supposition.
Finally, with regards to your ending paragraph, you said:
Have you not read of the 16th & 17th century philosopher theologians who argued strongly that for theological reasons, science should limit itself to theory and evidence based on the natural cosmos and not bring God into their scientific reasoning.
Yes, I have read the some of philosophers of this period and continue to do so. As it so happens, I’m currently studying philosophy of religion at Oxford Uni. You know, it’s a funny thing that there wasn’t any atheists back in the Dark Ages… I wonder why that was?… hmm!
Hello Reason42
Glad to hear you are continuing at Oxford – hope you do well.
It seems to me that you are thinking that the word rational somehow can only apply to the natural world. Why do you think that?
As for faith, why in your mind do you think that faith can not be based on reason, ie that there cant be rational reason that supports faith?
The point I am making which you don’t seem inclined to acknowledge is that since faith is relationaship based, the necessary supporting evidence is in practice only meaningful for the individuals in that relationship. For example the evidence that you have for your good relationship with your girlfriend is personal to you – it is not something that can be viably be analysed by me.
Best wishes
Thank you for all the relationship talk Mike.I tried explaining all that but it didn’t sink in..thank goodness for personal relations based on love,trust and respect!
Hello Reason42
Glad to hear you are continuing at Oxford – hope you do well.
Thank you!
You asked:
It seems to me that you are thinking that the word rational somehow can only apply to the natural world. Why do you think that?
Beliefs are best held when they are rational – that is, logical and reasonable to hold. Rational beliefs are justified – they have supporting evidence and/or convincing arguments. The natural world is there for us all to examine, using the principles of science and empirical inquiry.
Irrational beliefs are not justified – they lack supporting evidence and/or have unconvincing arguments. To hold these types of beliefs as true requires faith – a leap of faith, if you like. This type of belief requires faith/trust/confidence in the authority of the claim; or faith in one’s own conviction (which is even weaker). The supernatural realm fails to stand up to the rigors of empirical inquiry. There is no supporting evidence that such a realm exists.
Then you asked:
As for faith, why in your mind do you think that faith can not be based on reason, ie that there cant be rational reason that supports faith?
The word faith is very ambiguous. What I’m talking about here is faith in the fideistic sense (reread post above).
Finally, you said:
The point I am making which you don’t seem inclined to acknowledge is that since faith is relationaship based, the necessary supporting evidence is in practice only meaningful for the individuals in that relationship. For example the evidence that you have for your good relationship with your girlfriend is personal to you – it is not something that can be viably be analysed by me.
Mike, my girlfriend is a real person who exists in the ‘natural’ world. You are more than welcome to come and visit us and see for yourself the type of relationship we have. Regardless of the quality of the relationship we have, it is evident that we do indeed have some sort of relationship, which is more than can be said regarding your relationship with God. You could talk to our friends and family and assess for yourself the quality of our relationship. If you really wanted to you could call in experts, such as relationship counsellors or psychologists, to come and examine our relationship. The point here, Mike, is that we have a reciprocal relationship that you can bear witness to.
I, or anyone else for that matter, cannot bear witness to your claimed relationship with God. You may, for all I know, be suffering from some sort of delusionary phenomenon, which I actually think is the case. The trouble here, though, is that you cannot prove that the agent you are making a claim for actually exists, so I have to take your word for it. The trouble is, I don’t take your word for it – I remain unconvinced.
Hi Reason42
Your response was: ‘Beliefs are best held when they are rational – that is, logical and reasonable to hold. Rational beliefs are justified – they have supporting evidence and/or convincing arguments. The natural world is there for us all to examine, using the principles of science and empirical inquiry.’
However you have here jumped in your logic from talking about rational beliefs to assuming that these can only apply to the natural world!
Yes I agree we can only have empirical evidence for natural events, but I was not talking about natural events! I was talkng about relationship with the supernatural.
It is quite possible to have irrational beliefs about the natural realm (in centuries past there have been many – some even held by esteemed scientists). Conversly it is also quite possible to have rational beliefs about the supernatural.
Rational belief in God does not require empirical (measurable) evidence, but it does still require evidence (personal) for faith to be sustainable! Yes I could come and view your relationship with your girl freind, but however wonderful it might look to me, I would not be able to experience it in the personal way that you and your wonderful girl do – it is in that sense not empirical, but personal to you both!
In the natural realm a scientist may have a hunch about something, eg Einstien with his mass energy equation. His hunch was right and rational, but it remained completely unsupported by the empirical evidence from the conventional physics of his day for many years until the actual splitting of the atom took place.
Faith can be (and I claim is) both right and rational and may be unsupported by the empirical evidence of the natural realm, but there will come a day (eternity) when its personal evidence will become public knowlegde. But I can’t and obviously don’t convince you of that fact!
But hey there let’s remain friends!
Hi Sandie
Thanks for your comments. Guard and treasure your relatioanships!
kind regards
Reflecting furhter on your response when you say, ‘I, or anyone else for that matter, cannot bear witness to your claimed relationship with God. You may, for all I know, be suffering from some sort of delusionary phenomenon, which I actually think is the case.’
Fair enough! But what I do know that I experience as a result of my faith in God, is :-
* a deeper love for other people
* forgiveness for those things that I would otherwise feel guilt for
* peace of mind and emotions
* confidence in my daily living
You may already posses these qualities, but they are a witness to me that my faith brings results. These are positive qualities and if you want to believe they come as a result of self delusion, then all I can say is that such self delusion is pretty powerful in uniting my personality – so please accept me as I am!
Best wishes
Hey Sandie, please look beyond the title of the book – check this link instead;
Mikereflects, you’re quite right. Your response knocked me flat on my backside and without Sandie’s post I’d have left it at that. I have enjoyed reading your discussions and will not pretend that I am able to join in your discussion in any meaningful way.
You are also quite right about the user name too, I chose it to illicit a response and received a well phrased poke in the eye for it.
Please take a look at the link any way, the alternative views presented by the Satanic Bible may have some value for your studies, if nothing else.
Well said, Mike!
Sandie, glad you’re still here.
EssenseOfEvil, my first Satanist commentator. Cool! Taking a look at the link you provided reminds me of the three essential needs of human existence – eating, sleeping and getting laid. Without these things, we wouldn’t be here today. Everything else around this is a distraction, but the wise use their time carefully to improve the quality and quantity of these three things. Would you agree? 😉
Excuse me but if satanism is not a “religion” then why in the name of “common sense” does he have to have his own bible? I read some of that mixed up mess on the other link and thought,sure if he can get you to believe that hes not really who he says he is,then you’ll without fail believe whatever lie hes peddling at the moment. You see,if he can convince you that you are a natural body without a spiritual soul then hes trapped you into a mindset. I probably hate certain types of organized religions just as much as I hate organized crime..and when God said “ye that love the Lord,hate evil,I’m positive he had me in mind! But times are changing rapidly and Satan knows his time is now short.As for me I’m content with allowing someone who continuously hardens their heart toward God to just believe they originated from an ape,especially if they’re still behaving like one!
Reason42 we have an understanding!! :o)
We are here to please ourselves, that is the point of our existence.
Sandie, I could cry. Either you’ve chosen to ignore my link or, for some unknown reason, when you click on it you’re directed to a completely different web site. Satanism *IS* a religion. It is essentially the antithesis of pre-existing religions.
Let me save you some of the effort of clicking the link, here’s definition of Satan from the site;
“Satan is not a real, living entity, conscious or a physical thing that can be interacted with. It is a symbol, something ethereal, something that basically doesn’t exist except as an emotional attachment and personal dream. Just like Buddhists do not worship Buddha, Satanists hold up Satan as an ultimate principal rather than an object of literal worship. ”
I don’t do devil worship, the devil does not exist, it therefore follows that God does not exist. Any consideration of a supernatural entity merely serves to distract people from the real questions;
“Who am I?”
“Why am I here?”
By answering these questions with a God we stifle our ability to think clearly. As a Satanist, I find anything that stifles clarity of thought deeply offensive.
Let me answer these questions for you without the presence of God;
“I think, therefore I am”
“I am here to be the best that I can be and to please myself”
If the God thing works for you then you have my respect, the only reason I posted to this forum was to see if you could view things a little differently.
Just one last question… What’s so bad about apes and why would you not want to believe we evolved from them? The evidence for human evolution is there for all to see to deny it and to not learn from our past is simply stupid.
essenceofevil are you smarter then a fifth grader?You and I live on 2 different levels,and you really truly need to know that I live my life based on a relationship not on a religion.Someday when my book is finished I hope you get the chance to read it.My past life was full of mistakes,errors,horrors and ignorance.I practiced witchcraft,was totally hooked on astrology,was raped,set up by a best friend to be beaten by a gang of her relatives,I was given a shot in a doctor’s office that should have killed me and I thought the aftereffects surely would.Sold by my parents at 8 months of age and found it out at age 13 (I thought that knowing I was so unloved was going to destroy me) after finding my parents,my dad tried to molest me over and over until I thought I would go insane(he died last year and God showed me where he went)But when I was 27 I attended a little church way out in the country where people live clean and healthy. The pastor called me up and ask if he could pray for me and I said yes…as I made my way back to my seat I suddenly felt a warm burning inside my chest..I felt a heavy heavy weight lift off my heart and I knew that I had been forgiven of my sins. I cried for 3 weeks relizing that my soul had been bought and cleasned by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I could go on and on but I see no need.Nothing or no one will ever change what God choose to do in my life or what he does everyday.When the books are opened on judgement day your choices will be there and so will mine.God doesn’t show me many things that I ask about until he feels I am mature enough spiritually to receive it.The holy bible(king james version) is not a dead book unless you are dead in sin.If a person is dead spiritually theres no way on earth they can understand its content. You and I see the world with different eyes…and I want you to know that I wrote these things here just in hope that a piece of your heart was open enough to understand why I believe in God.I also need you to know that I love him in a way that I’ve never loved a human..hes always there and hes never let me down. Theres plenty I do not know nor do I understand,but it doesn’t take an expert to know when someone loves them!
Sandie, it’s brave of you to share your experiences. If your faith has enabled you to put your life back together and allow you to move on then I have no right or desire to question it.
I wish you the very best of luck with your book and if you make its publication known to me, perhaps through this forum, I would be pleased to read it.
It may not matter, but your reply touched me, and I wanted you to know that I prayed for such a response from you,altho I felt doubts creep into my heart and mind I put them aside and rested.I have kept journals down thru the years and remember when I was first saved I’d have dreams of being in school..but most of the time I was late for class.Later on I was shown what that meant.I’ve always been somewhat of a scatterbrain and prefer to do 20 things at once.Theres a lot of wisdom in meditation!
i am some ramdom person that belives in god thats me, so i don’t care what you think.
and why do people fight with eachother you should be in polotics.
Sorry that you feel you are a random person Jacobaussie,but if indeed you are a true believer,then theres nothing random about you in God’s eyes…YOU ARE SPECIAL.Take care.